“Therapy is not a weakness”: The stigma of mental illness

“important today”
Playing with life: waiting for the therapy place

Depression is no longer a social taboo. But according to a study, 40 percent of patients often wait months for a place in therapy (symbol image)

© Dominic Lipinski / empics / Picture Alliance

Sometimes he felt like he could uproot trees. On other days, though, he was lucky if he could even get out of bed. Jan Adrian is 29 years old, lives in Munich and speaks in the 313th episode of “today important” about the stigma that is still associated with mental illness.

For others, Jan Adrian used to be the clown, the funny guy who was louder, hyperactive. A year ago, however, the diagnosis came: ADHD in adulthood. Something he says is rarely diagnosed because “there’s still this suspicion that ADHD kind of grows together,” he says. A wishful thinking that usually doesn’t come true, because ADHD often lasts a lifetime.

For an open approach: “Today it is no longer a weakness to go to therapy”

It doesn’t stop with this diagnosis alone. Jan Adrian previously suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, in 2021 he struggled with severe depression. Now he wants to campaign for the removal of taboos and the destigmatization of mental illnesses. “It’s a good change in society, I think, that people talk openly about it,” says Jan Adrian in an interview with “Today’s Important” host Michel Abdollahi. Because since he has been dealing with the subject more openly, he has found that others are also speaking more openly about their illnesses. “Today, going to therapy is no longer a weakness.”

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

Podcast “important today”

Sure, opinionated, on the 12: “today important” is not just a news podcast. We set topics and initiate debates – with attitude and sometimes uncomfortable. Host Michel Abdollahi and his team speak out for this star– and RTL reporters with the most exciting people from politics, society and entertainment. They let all voices have their say, both the quiet and the loud. Anyone who hears “important today” starts the day well informed and can have a well-founded say.

Months of waiting for therapy places: “A huge problem”

For Adrian, moving to a new city, a new job, in the middle of the corona crisis and his diagnosis led to his “crash”, as he calls it. Thanks to a psychiatric emergency consultation, Adrian is lucky enough to quickly get a place in therapy at a training institute. At the same time, however, he was on several waiting lists. A year later, just got a call. According to a study by the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists, 40 percent of patients often wait months for a place in therapy. “It’s a disaster,” says Adrian. Because there are enough psychotherapists who have a place, but who are not accredited for health insurance companies. A lot then happens in private – “a huge problem”.

Adrian is convinced that therapy always helps, that it is always good to talk to people who are not involved, who have a significantly different view of their own situation and who offer professional advice. He believes, “It’s never a weakness to seek help. It’s never a fault to seek help.”

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