Theme, candidates, rules … Everything you need to know about the election

TF1’s cameras and the eyes of millions of French women and men will be on the Zénith in Caen on December 11. It is here, in Normandy, that the election of Miss France 2022 will take place, seen as “the TV event of the year” according to Rémi Faure, the channel’s director of flow programs.

It must be said that the figures do not lie: last year, the show gathered 8.6 million people with a peak of 10.4 million curious, the best score in the competition since 2006.

Musicals, theme of the year

In front of several dozen journalists, Jean-Pierre Foucault and Sylvie Tellier presented this Wednesday, in the walls of TF1, the program of this year. Watchword ? We take 29 new candidates and we start again! The theme of this edition will be musicals. In total, nine paintings will honor the big names in the genre such as Mary poppins, Chicago, West Side Story, Mamma mia, Saturday night fever, La La Land or Aladdin.

At the opening of the ceremony, 30 singers from a gospel troupe will perform The circle of life, song taken from Lion King. Several tap artists will take over the stage later to offer a real show as estimated by Frédéric Gilbert, artistic director of the show, last year. “The Puy du Fou was a real trigger. We are in the process of switching to visuals that are much more spectacular than when we are in a zenith, ”he declares. On December 11, therefore, expect to see Miss from the ceiling, just that. But the fundamentals, such as the swimsuit parade, will remain in place. The public will first attend a one-piece parade for the 29 candidates, then a two-piece parade for the 15 semi-finalists and a final two-piece for the five finalists.

A competition that takes place outside the small screen

In the columns of Parisian, Alexia Laroche-Joubert, new president of the company Miss France, indicated last month that she wanted to see “more participants tell each other, explain their motivations to understand what they want to do” and avoid making the program a Victoria’s Secret parade. However, on this side, the rules of the show are not going to change. As every year, each of the participants will have the right to 47 seconds (and not one more) of portrait in the first part of the show. Once the fifteen semi-finalists have been nominated, they will have one minute to express themselves on major social issues such as the environment, current affairs or women’s rights.

“Today we are lucky to have social networks that we did not have twenty years ago. On social networks, you hear them talking more and more, tempers Sylvie Tellier. But the mechanics are not going to change on the show. “In order to get to know a little more the 29 contenders for the title of Miss France 2022, the channel and the committee are betting on digital content, from MYTF1, where vlogs will be published, to the contest’s Instagram account, to which all will respond to mini-interviews. “You will be able to discover them a little bit more by December 11,” promises the general manager of Miss France.

“We ask young women for discretion”

Just a month ago, Dare feminism decided to enter the industrial tribunal, considering that the competition, described as “sexist”, violated labor law. Appointed this year as president of the company Miss France, Alexia Laroche-Joubert replied that her arrival in the competition had consequences “both artistic, technical and legal”. “This is why this year, the 29 Miss who will parade on the evening of December 11 on the TF1 antenna will have employment contracts,” she revealed at the press conference.

On the other hand, the association demanded that the committee “cease all forms of illegal discrimination in the selection criteria”. A complaint to which Alexia Laroche-Joubert also responded on Wednesday. “Yes, some criteria may seem a bit outdated. Perhaps the word “single” was not understood correctly, perhaps it is a bit too legal a term. Tattoos, we may have been a little restrictive. We have to talk about it with the committees because they are the ones who make the selection during the first stages, ”said the president of the company Miss France.

“We have a competition with registration rules and it seems to me that they are important”, considers Sylvie Tellier in turn, who explains in particular that tattoos are not prohibited but “tolerated”. “I myself have changed the regulations on things because young women are changing,” notes the one who won the crown in 2001. We are in a country of freedom, but we sometimes have to regulate the freedom of registration conditions. . What sums up the regulations as they are done this year is that young women are being asked for discretion. “

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