Their baby turns gray, the doctors’ verdict falls and sends shivers down your spine!

© Their baby turns gray, the doctors’ verdict falls and sends shivers down your spine!

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For parents, there is nothing worse than seeing their child sick. This can be a real source of anxiety, especially when you see your little one suffering. Parents experienced a real moment of stress when their baby turned gray.

Their baby turns gray

Like many people, parents have enjoyed a vacation with their baby. On the other hand, the parents noticed that the latter was sick. At first, they thought that their child had just caught a cold.

But when they woke up, they discovered the worst. They noticed that their baby was lifeless. Panicked, they immediately took their ten-week-old child to the nearest hospital to their vacation spot.

The father of the family then confessed that the doctors had taken this matter in hand. He told the British newspaper Liverpool Echo: “They took it out of my hands as soon as we walked through the door.

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Before also adding: “And took him straight to the emergency room, where the doctors came at him with needles.”. Tim and Rachel Millbank then waited in anguish.

They didn’t know for a second if their baby was going to survive. For their part, the doctors did not take long to make a diagnosis. They indicated that the child was victim of a silent killer disease.

“We almost lost him”

Indeed, the baby had pneumonia caused by MRSA. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as Staphylococcus aureus, is deadly. It is a bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics.

Terrible news for parents who did not expect for a single second the verdict. During the treatment, doctors had to put the baby into a coma. It was at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge that he received morphine-based medication.

The father then confessed: “It was very hard. Looking back, we wonder how we were able to hold on, but we do it because we have to. Several times we almost lost him”.

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Eventually, doctors were able to save their baby. The latter managed to fight against this disease which almost cost him his life. For his part, Tim Millbank decided to run 100 miles, or 160 kilometers, throughout the month of September.

He wants to raise funds to help all the families who have to do dealing with their child’s illness.

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