The “zero load rest” a success in hearing and dental, less so in optics

Three months before the presidential deadline, the time for assessments has come. Among the many reforms carried out by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, that of “100% health” seems in part to have achieved its objectives.

Remember that the “100% health”, also called the “zero remains dependent”, aimed to offer a basket fully reimbursed by Social Security and health insurance for patients on dental, optics and hearing (provided they have mutual insurance of course). Three sectors where the prices were staggering, the reimbursements not always up to par… and the renunciation of care high. What conclusions can we draw?

A reform that kept its promises

The reform was implemented over three years, with a gradual extension in these three areas between 2018 and 2021. It is only since January 1, 2021 that the full “100% health” is applied. The last monitoring committee, meeting this Tuesday morning, could therefore assess the results over almost an entire year, the feedback stopping in November 2021.

“About 10 million French people have benefited from this” 100% health “since the start of the reform, welcomes the Ministry of Health. If there is one reform that has met its objectives in terms of purchasing power and access to care, it is this one. »

Same satisfaction on the side of France Assos Health, an organization representing patients, which participated in the implementation of the reform and its monitoring committee. “Thanks to 100% health, people have been able to equip themselves,” summarizes Marianick Lambert, member of the France Assos Santé office. We have always supported this reform. I’m not saying that everything is perfect, but I can see that things are moving in the right direction. »

40% of sales in hearing and 55% in dental

However, with some differences. As far as hearing aids are concerned, the success is indisputable. The number of devices purchased increased by 70% between 2019 and 2021 and 39% of these hearing aids sold in 2021 were part of this fully reimbursed basket. In all, 780,000 hearing aids have been delivered thanks to this device.

In 2018, the situation was quite different. “For hearing aids, there is clearly a catch-up effect, continues Marianick Lambert. We went from equipment that could cost up to 2,000 euros to a rest at zero charge. »

There remains one downside: “we still have a third of the equipment sold that is not the subject of any declared follow-up consultation. However, there are a lot of people who equip themselves with hearing aids… and leave them in their drawer when they are not suitable. Normally, the patient has the right to request two follow-up consultations, but the reform is too little known for the French to know it. “So that more French people can benefit from hearing aids, dental aids or glasses without losing a euro, she wants the ministry, patient associations and health professionals to do more communication on “100% health”.

For dental, patients also seem to have taken advantage of this new option. Indeed, 55% in dental prostheses in 2021 were part of this offer, compared to 52% in 2020. A slight increase therefore. “But we were only at 40% in 2019”, rectifies Marianick Lambert.

Delay on the optical side

There remains optics, a sector for which reservations have been made for several months. Indeed,
a survey by the DGCCRF dating from April 2021 covering 300 opticians revealed that 60% of them did not promote the “100% health” offer. A figure that the ministry does not confirm. But only 17% of sales at opticians in 2021 are part of this basket. With a slight increase all the same: it was 15% in 2020. In detail, it is 12% for complete equipment, 4% for lenses and only 1% for frames.

How to explain this dunce cap? “It’s a market in which there was already zero-charge rest by complementary health insurance,” explains Marianick Lambert. Is there also resistance from the French who are more concerned about their look on the glasses side than on the molars? “It was true in the past with the Sécu frames, which were ugly, but for the 100% healthy basket, the quality is assured, the aesthetics checked, the lenses refined. There is no longer any possibility of visual stigmatization, very careful attention has been paid to this. »

Moreover, this too low figure could be corrected in the future. “Health Insurance sent letters to opticians for whom the “100% health” rate was too low in September 2021, greets this member of France Assos Santé. They then assigned visitors to some of the recalcitrant opticians. Now they are planning penalties. It is extremely rare and it shows the will to succeed in this reform. »

A good excuse to raise the rates of mutual insurance?

There remains a size reserve. Contributions from mutual insurance companies are up by 3.4% on average in 2022, announced the Mutuality French at the beginning of January. Among the justifications, according to the mutuals, the overload of “100% health”, which exceeded the objectives set by the ministry. “The 100% health has a good back!, ironically Marianick Lambert. This is not the first year that they have raised their prices. The “100% health” did not cost more than expected. On the other hand, in 2021, we had an increased consumption of care due to catch-up due to confinements and this is the first year of full implementation of the reform. »

For her, mutuals are closely monitored. As much by patient associations as by the government. “It is a very present subject in the campaign”, she remarks, referring to the “Grande sécu” project on which the government is working.

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