The youth councils in Dachau and Karlsfeld have reorganized themselves – Dachau

At the latest, the Fridays for Future movement has shown that today’s young people are not disenchanted with politics. On the contrary: They demonstrate for more climate protection and world peace, want to have a say when it comes to their future. In Dachau, young people have been involved in local politics since 1998, because the first youth council was founded here 24 years ago, and even Mayor Florian Hartmann (SPD) was a member. In Karlsfeld, on the other hand, the youth committee was only recently reorganized. There was already a youth council in 2011, but: “It ended at some point,” says Venera Sansone, the community’s youth officer. So now the restart – and one thing is certain: the young people from Dachau and Karlsfeld have many ideas and goals.

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