The writer Florence Porcel files a complaint for rape with the constitution of civil party

The writer and journalist Florence Porcel filed a complaint with the constitution of civil party for rape against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor to obtain the appointment of an examining magistrate, according to information from France Info confirmed by the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office.

The author of Pandorini accuses the former star presenter of the TF1 newscast of having forced him to have sex without consent in 2004 and a fellatio in 2009. His first complaint against PPDA, which denies his accusations, had been closed at the end of June by the prosecution de Nanterre for “insufficient evidence”. This new complaint allows the quasi-automatic appointment of an examining magistrate, subject to the payment of a deposit, a sum intended to cover the fine in the event of abusive denunciation.

Nine other women complained

The PPDA case erupted in February, with the filing of a complaint by Florence Porcel. A four-month preliminary investigation was then carried out by the Nanterre prosecutor’s office. In total, twenty-three women had testified and nine had chosen to file a complaint for rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment. Most of the charges were time-barred, which had resulted in the investigation being closed without further action.

The facts put forward by Florence Porcel are not prescribed but had been classified for “insufficient evidence”. The PPDA affair has deeply shaken the media world. Women who present themselves as victims of the journalist have notably launched an association, #MeTooMedias, to break the omerta in the French media, after having testified openly in
Release November 8.

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