The workers’ gardens were evacuated, the buildings destroyed with a backhoe

Police custody and destruction in progress: this Thursday morning, the Jardins Ouvriers d’Aubervilliers, which had been occupied for several months by environmentalists, were evacuated and their facilities destroyed. The “jadists” are protesting against the project to build a swimming pool which is to serve as a training basin for the Paris-2024 Olympic Games, and involves a partial destruction of the gardens.

The evacuation began around 6 a.m. on Thursday, September 2. “They are destroying with the excavator all the constructions that we had built: a living room, a library, a tower …”, reported this morning around 10 am in 20 minutes Dolorès, founding member of the defense and gardener collective. According to Dolorès, two people were still in custody this morning at the Aubervilliers police station and two people had been released.

An appeal filed the day before

The Jardins Ouvriers Des Vertus are centuries-old gardens, a true enclave of nature and nourishing land of 2.5 hectares at the foot of the towers. They have been trimmed over time by successive urban developments. This time, they must be cut by nearly 4,000 m2 for the construction of the aquatic center.

The day before, two local associations for the defense of the environment (Environment 93 and the MNLE-93) and three “gardeners-operators” had lodged an appeal against the building permit for the swimming pool, considering that the building permit had been issued to the outcome of an illegal procedure and that the impact of the project on “biodiversity” or “natural soil resources” is underestimated. The collective of the Gardens to defend invites a gathering this evening around 6 p.m. in front of the town hall of Aubervilliers.

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