The wolf found dead in Loire-Atlantique was the same as that seen in Vendée

The genetic analyzes have spoken. The wolf found dead on October 15, 2021 at the edge of a Loire-Atlantique road was indeed the same individual as that seen and photographed on the previous May 14 in Vendée, reports
the French office for biodiversity (OFB). “In accordance with the protocol of the Wolf network led by the OFB, a genetic sample was taken from the remains and sent for analysis. Two other clues collected in Vendée (poop and hair) also underwent genetic analysis, ”explain the state services.

A sheep attack on the scene

However, a link has been formally established between the corpse discovered in Saint-Brévin-les-pins (Loire-Atlantique) in October and the hairs recovered from the month of February in a farm in Avrillé (Vendée) following sheep attack. “These two indices therefore show that the same individual stayed in Vendée from February onwards and then moved to Loire-Atlantique”, conclude the authorities.

“This result reinforces the need to send all the observations or clues back to the departmental services of the OFB in order to ensure effective monitoring in our territories, continue the State services. All suspicious observations of the presence of large canines, or predation on wild animals, all suspicions of damage to domestic livestock must be quickly reported to the departmental service of the OFB”.

The animal photographed in Vendée and then found dead five months later one kilometer from the beaches of Saint-Brévin was of the gray wolf species canis lupus lupus, consider wolf specialists.

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