The whole society is divided? A suggestion for reconciliation. – Culture

When the war in Ukraine wasn’t the dominant topic, one heard or read time and again that disputes were important in a pluralistic society. One must discharge him. This is often said by people who are easily offended when you argue with them. As a rule, the dispute then no longer revolves around its original subject, but rather about how to argue. It’s easy to see when the fight about the fight, the meta-fight phase, kicks in. Words like “appreciate”, “respect”, “equal footing” or “injury” then accumulate. The meta dispute often produces much sharper disputes than the object dispute. It seems so, but that is of course a subjective assessment, that the willingness to engage in meta disputes has increased enormously for some time. The meta-fight is a hallmark of conflict between milieus or of bubbles within a milieu.

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