The West Indies and the health pass on the menu this Wednesday of the Health Defense Council

The Health Defense Council has a particularly busy menu on Wednesday at 11 a.m. Above all, the executive once again finds itself under pressure in the fight against the coronavirus. Chaired by Emmanuel Macron by videoconference from Brégançon in the Var, the Council will deal with the outbreak of cases in the West Indies, vigilance in the South, the health pass and also the evolution of vaccination.

Jean Castex will attend from Carcassonne, where he comes to visit the Hospital Center. Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of Overseas, will connect from Guadeloupe, where he flew on Tuesday. Olivier Véran (Health), like Alain Griset (PME), joined him as the Head of State at Fort de Brégançon before going to Martinique in turn on Thursday.

The situation in the West Indies is issue number 1

Priority of the Council: the “extremely serious” health situation in Martinique and Guadeloupe, spokesman Gabriel Attal repeated Tuesday evening. The “colossal” incidence rate reaches more than 1,700 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Guadeloupe. In Martinique, this figure is 1,200 and a new strict containment has been put in place with the closure of non-essential businesses, seasonal rentals, hotels and beaches, while tourists have been asked to leave the island. In the two West Indian islands, barely 20% of the population is fully vaccinated, against more than 55% in mainland France. Sébastien Lecornu has already mentioned a probable strengthening of confinement in Guadeloupe, two days after the one decided in Martinique.

The situation in metropolitan France, where the number of hospitalizations (9,153 people) and patients in critical care services (1,712) continues to increase, also gives rise to serious concerns, particularly in the South. “We are on a high plateau, slightly rising. We do not yet see the start of the descent, however we see the impact on hospitals, ”warned Gabriel Attal. Faced with the risk of saturation of hospitals, the white plan was activated Tuesday in New Aquitaine, after the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region, Corsica and Occitania.

The Council will also examine the disputed implementation of the extended sanitary pass, in force since Monday and currently in “running-in week”. On the other hand, the distribution of a third dose to the elderly and the most fragile, announced by Emmanuel Macron, should not yet be the subject of a decision on Wednesday, “pending the opinion of the health authorities” , according to the Elysee.

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