The well-being of the parents comes before the well-being of the child: this is how couples don’t lose themselves in parenting

“Children come, children go, parents stay,” says the new book by the bestselling author and father of four, Reinhard K. Sprenger. The book is a guide for all parents who do not want to give up in everyday life despite having a child.

Author Reinhard K. Sprenger begins his book with a banal question: Why do we actually have children? In the past, this question was easy to answer: children served the continued existence of mankind and personal provision for old age. Fortunately, retirement provision in the form of as many children as possible is no longer necessary in most cases. And enough people are born in the world. So why are we still having children? For Reinhard K. Sprenger, the reason is that a child gives a family an identity. The child we to the project. An ego prosthesis of the parents.

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