The WeCard, a “clean” alternative to business cards

Do you also regularly exhum yourself from your pockets, satchels or badly stored stacks of business cards with a touched thought for the one who unnecessarily handed it to you? Console yourself, there is a good chance that the converse is true. Samuel Dassa, a young entrepreneur from Toulouse, lived it in his previous professional lives. “I put them on my desk and I never treated them,” remembers the one who seems to have found the solution. He now tends his
WeCard, a connected card, in “60% recycled” PVC or compacted sawdust, and asks the other party to hand over their smartphone.

Thanks to NFC technology or a QR code, the WeCard automatically generates a contact card. Beyond his personal experience, Samuel Dassa also came across a study in 2020 estimating that “of the 10 billion business cards produced each year in the world, 8 billion are thrown in the trash in the following week”. Not very sustainable development. It was “the click” that gave birth to the start-up WeMet, “we met” in English, which he created with his wife Hannah.

Incubated in Toulouse for a year, it is the only one of its kind on the French market. So obviously, we say to ourselves that the health crisis should not have helped these little eco-friendly cards made in the suburbs of the Pink City. “Strangely, it was not a brake, explains the Toulousain. Many companies took the opportunity to prepare for the aftermath and think about how to work differently and since September, we have had a big spike in activity. “

Thirty to 50 euros per employee

WeMet has already convinced 500 companies to stop the cardboard business card, and not the least: Pierre Fabre Laboratories, Vinci Autoroutes or Total Energies. “The purchase price varies from 30 to 50 euros per employee. That’s the equivalent of printing around 200 good-quality classic business cards, says Samuel Dassa. Except that with the WeCard, there is no recurrence. »No stock depletion, so no reprint. And incidentally, no stammering because we have, as if by chance, given the last one the day before.

Among users’ feedback, there is also the “icebreaker” aspect. “The famous wow effect that allows you to start a conversation on technical aspects”, specifies the Toulousain. Now he gives his coordinates first and he argues afterwards.

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