The virus is rising quickly, the region on a bad slope

Concern begins to rise. Relatively spared for a long time compared to the rest of France with regard to the Covid-19 epidemic, Pays-de-la-Loire is now experiencing the opposite situation. The circulation of the coronavirus is indeed increasing sharply in the region, according to
latest figures unveiled by the regional health agency (ARS). The incidence rate now stands at 153 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, against 100 on the national average. A figure unmatched since the end of May. In comparison, the regional incidence rate was only 80 in early November.

It is in Maine-et-Loire (174 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), in Sarthe (167) and Vendée (164) that the virus seems to be the most active. Not very far behind, Loire-Atlantique also has a rate of 147 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The situation is more relaxed in Mayenne (54 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).

The vaccine, however widespread

The latest contaminations concern all ages, not necessarily those over 65. As for hospitalizations, they are also increasing, without reaching a worrying level. Some 68 Covid patients are currently in intensive care in the Pays-de-la-Loire region. Twenty-eight additional deaths were recorded in one week.

The vaccination rate (second injection included) amounts to 78% of the population (all ages) in the Pays-de-la-Loire region, against 74% nationally.

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