The value of the “Omicron” cryptocurrency suddenly skyrocketed

Stock market boom
The value of cryptocurrency suddenly skyrockets because of the omicron variant

The new coronavirus mutation Omikron

© agrarmotive / Imago Images

Omikron has been bothering the world since last week. The new version of the corona virus caused the stock exchanges to crash. The value of the cryptocurrency of the same name, on the other hand, has suddenly closed up. Their value increased tenfold.

The choice of the World Health Organization to name the new virus variant Omikron – in English Omicron – gave the crypto currency of the same name Omicron a boost: The digital currency, so far largely unknown and stable, increased its value tenfold early on Monday to almost $ 700 (616 euros) . After that, the Omicron fell sharply to $ 152, then climbed back to $ 350, according to the CoinMarketCap website.

The crypto currency Omicron was only created at the beginning of November – the founders didn’t mention the corona pandemic with a single syllable. According to their own statement, they wanted to offer a new currency that would “function independently of market fluctuations” and “maintain purchasing power”. Before the World Health Organization’s decision, the currency Omicron was hovering around $ 70.

Omicron-Coin is not the first cryptocurrency with a sudden increase in value

It is not the only crypto currency that suddenly appears in the spotlight – and sometimes disappears again just as quickly: The “Squid Coin”, created by fans of the Netflix series “Squid Game”, was worth 70 cents at the beginning – and increased within less Days to $ 2.86. That was on November 1st. On November 2nd, the “Squid Coin” was traded for just three cents – buyers had found out that they could not exchange the currency for traditional coins. The founders of the currency suddenly disappeared from all internet networks.


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