“The useful vote is Mélenchon”, according to Ségolène Royal

For Ségolène Royal, the “useful vote” exists, on the left, and it bears the name of the leader of rebellious France, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “He is the one who is doing the best campaign, assured the former PS presidential candidate, this Wednesday on BFMTV. He is rounding off the angles on what could displease him. He is able to answer all questions. It is structured, cultivated. He has the experience of a presidential campaign. He knows how to take punches. He’s the strongest. »

“If the left wants to be in the second round, the leaders must come together, looking at what unites us and not what divides us, and the useful vote on the left is Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, added Ms. Royal , beaten in the second round by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007.

With approximately 10% of the voting intentions, the rebellious candidate is currently the best placed left-wing candidate, even if he remains far from his rivals on the right (Valérie Pécresse) and on the far right (Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour) which are given around 15% and especially Emmanuel Macron estimated around 25% in the first round.

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