The Universal National Service village heckled by protesters

He packed up earlier than expected. In Nantes, the promotional village of the Universal National Service (SNU) did not resist the dozens of demonstrators who came to welcome it. Installed at the end of the morning on the Place du Bouffay, the stands which were to offer animations and testimonials around this device experienced by some 50,000 young people since its launch in 2019 were put away shortly later.

A collective, who came to protest against “a form of militarization and recruitment of young minors”, has indeed disrupted the holding of the event, which runs in 25 French cities. “Your pseudo military service, you will not succeed in imposing it, I believe”, welcomed the deputy Nupes Andy Kerbrat on Twitter.

“A collective opposed to the SNU has decided to block this festive and informative time, reacted in a press release the elected representatives of the Democrats and Progressives group of the city of Nantes to which Sarah El Haïry, the Secretary of State in charge of Youth, belongs. We condemn it and deplore the fact that Nantes is the only city in France where the village could not take place. Proof that Nantes has become a place of permanent blockage where the debate of ideas is no longer possible. »

The next stage of the “Experience SNU” tour is scheduled for Saturday, in Caen.

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