The United States will remain an “unfailing support for the security of Israel”, assures Joe Biden

A phone call to reaffirm the alliance with Israel. On Monday, Joe Biden called Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday “to congratulate him on his party’s victory. »

During this call, the American president “underlined his unwavering support for the security of Israel”, recalled the spokesperson for the American presence, indicating that the White House would “closely follow the process of forming the government “.

An alliance “stronger than ever”

With 64 seats, the right-wing bloc led by Benjamin Netanyahu, stripped of power in June 2021 after 12 years of continuous rule, came out on top in the November 1 legislative elections.

The Israeli politician has launched negotiations with his allies to form a government that could be the most right-wing in the history of Israel.

The Likud leader confirmed the exchange. “President Biden called to congratulate me (…) and said that the alliance between Israel and the United States was stronger than ever,” Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement. “I told him that we could get more peace agreements, and also deal with the threat of Iranian aggression,” assured the Israeli.

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