The united left progresses in a poll, but the RN remains far ahead

The polls follow one another and are similar regarding the podium, on June 30, of the legislative elections. The only notable change: the left united behind its New Popular Front is on the rise, according to an Ifop poll for LCI unveiled Monday.

In this survey for the first round, the left received 28% of voting intentions, behind the National Rally (33%) and ahead of the presidential camp (18%).

The stable presidential camp

The New Popular Front, which in recent days has resulted in a program common to the main left-wing forces (PS, Ecologists, LFI, PCF, etc.), gains two points compared to the last survey by the same institute, carried out on June 13 and 14 , and three points compared to that of June 10 and 11.

Winner of the European elections of June 9, the RN remains in the lead, but still loses two points compared to the last two Ifop measurements which placed it at 35% voting intentions. As for the presidential camp, it has stabilized over a week, oscillating between 18 and 19%.

The two branches of LR tested

The polling institute has also distinguished for the first time the two branches of the Republicans: that of the historic and independent channel obtains 5% of voting intentions, compared to 4% for the candidates of the alliance with the RN advocated by Eric Ciotti.

This survey was carried out online from June 14 to 17, 2024 on a representative sample of 1,131 people registered on the electoral lists. The margins of error are between 1.4 and 3.1 points.

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