the United Kingdom “one of the closest allies and one of the best friends of France”, welcomes the king visiting the Senate

Who are the few French parliamentarians just presented to Charles III?

Among the deputies and senators who will attend the speech of the British king in the hemicycle, a delegation of eighteen parliamentarians was chosen, presented to the monarch by Mme Braun-Pivet and Mr. Larcher, presidents of the two chambers, in the Conference Room of the Palais du Luxembourg, before he signs the golden books of the Senate and the National Assembly.

For the National Assembly, these are the six vice-presidents – Valérie Rabault (Socialist Party), Elodie Jacquier-Laforge (MoDem), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), Caroline Fiat (La France insoumise), Sébastien Chenu and Hélène Laporte (National Rally) – as well as the presidents of the foreign affairs committees (Jean-Louis Bourlanges, MoDem), national defense (Thomas Gassilloud, Renaissance) and European affairs (Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade, Renaissance).

For the Senate, it is the same: six vice-presidents – Roger Karoutchi and Pascale Gruny (Les Républicains), Valérie Létard and Vincent Delahaye (Centrist Union), Laurence Rossignol (socialist and related group) and Nathalie Delattre (related Party group). radical) – as well as the presidents of the foreign affairs, defense and armed forces committees (Christian Cambon, Les Républicains), European affairs (Jean-François Rapin, Les Républicains), as well as the president of the interparliamentary friendship group France-United Kingdom (Eric Bocquet, communist group) are part of the parliamentary delegation.

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