the uncompromising reaction of the Nice coach

Suspended until further notice by OGC Nice after relaying a post inviting hatred against Jews, Youcef Atal, who risks very serious sanctions, is caught in a huge media whirlwind. And for the first time, the Aiglons coach, Francesco Farioli, broke the silence at a press conference to discuss this hot topic.

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“Regarding the suspension of Youcef Atal, I think the club’s press release was very clear. If I can add one thing, as a human being and as a father, it is that what we are witnessing at the moment is a real humanitarian catastrophe, apart from flags and religions. We, as athletes, benefit from a platform and we have the duty to send a message of peace, a strong message to hope that this humanitarian catastrophe can end as quickly as possible and that the children can find their parents, in this region of the world as everywhere. Let us find some calm. (…) Youcef is a boy we all love, an important player who we care about. But I repeat, as athletes, we have rights but also duties. The club’s press release was very clear. There is a suspension and an investigation underway, all of this goes beyond the sporting aspect.he confided, in comments relayed by RMC Sport.

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