The “trouée d’Arenberg” weeded by sheep and biquettes, before the passage of the runners

The mythical cobblestone sector of Paris-Roubaix with great care. Three weeks away from the “queen of the classics” cyclists, around forty goats and sheep are in full action to weed the Trouée d’Arenberg, during a one-of-a-kind eco-grazing operation.

Baptized “Les Biquettes de l’Espoir”, the operation should prevent the paved section of 2,3000 meters from turning into “Wimbledon”, underlined, Wednesday, Thierry Gouvenou, “Mister Paris-Roubaix” within ASO, the organizing company. The operation must be sustained for years to come.

“It had become almost a meadow”

“We realized during the Covid-19 period, when the section had not been used for more than two years, that nature was quickly taking over. It had become almost a meadow,” he told AFP.

High place of Paris-Roubaix, of which it has been the international symbol since 1968, the Trouée d’Arenberg is indeed a classified site, strictly protected and forbidden to vehicles.

And as the race was canceled in 2020, then postponed to October 2021 due to the health crisis, the organizers found that the grass was growing thick between the some 276,000 cobblestones scattered along this straight line of more than two kilometers. .

Greener solution

After an in-depth mechanical cleaning before the 2022 edition, they thought about more ecological solutions, such as eco-grazing, consisting of bringing sheep regularly to the Trouée to eat the grass that grows there naturally.

Since February 7, with the support of a reintegration association, around forty goats and sheep – “mostly goats because they eat more”, according to Thierry Gouvenou – have been at work until a ten days before the 120th edition which will take place on April 9.

“It’s still a little greenish, but the ewes are removing all the tall grass. Afterwards, we will pass a sweeper at the last moment, ”says the former runner. History probably also to clear the droppings of sheep or biquettes which could cause slips.

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