The tragic fate of a series splashed by controversy

Have the controversies been right? The Idolthe very sulfurous series co-created by Sam Levinson (Euphoria), The Weeknd and Reza Fahim? Entitled “Jocelyn Forever”, the fifth episode, broadcast this Sunday on HBO, will be the last of a first season which was to have six. According to information from TVLine Monday, the series was amputated by an episode after the intervention of its creator Sam Levinson who made many changes. “The story ultimately only required five,” whispered an internal source at the American specialized site. No commentary from the American pay channel. Back on the route of a series shaken, even before its broadcast, by scandal.

With its four-star cast (Lily-Rose Depp and Abel -The Weeknd-Tesfaye) and Sam Levinson at the creation, already behind the sublime Euphoria, The Idol seemed cut out for success. The pitch flirted with glamor and scandal. Jocelyn known as “Joss”, a pop star weakened by the death of an abusive mother is seduced by Tedros, a manipulative nightclub owner who takes total control of her life and her body. One year later Irma Vep by Olivier Assayas, The Idol was announced out of competition at the Cannes Film Festival in mid-May, where the first two episodes were to be screened. An HBO series unveiled at Cannes, how not to cry success?

Bad reviews and disappointing ratings

From March 1, The Idol is scratched by a first scandal after the publication of an article by The Rolling Stone which explains how the filming of the series turned into a terrain of “pornographic torture” when Amy Seimetz, who was to direct all the episodes, was fired for artistic disputes. According to 13 sources interviewed by the American magazine, the atmosphere turns with the takeover of Sam Levinson. The set exudes a toxic atmosphere where “problematic” sequences are added at the last minute. They reflect what the series criticizes: a climate of influence that fantasizes about rape. It is true that, like its big sister Euphoria, The Idol quickly announces the color. Lily-Rose Depp spends most of her time half-naked or being penetrated by The Weeknd.

The Rolling Stone land the first blow. The second will be worn in Cannes where bad reviews are pouring in. Telerama describes this portrait as “an abyss of stupidity and vulgarity”. “The complacency with which Sam Levinson films Lily-Rose Depp masturbating or accepting without flinching the worn-out sadomasochistic fantasies of The Weeknd leads us to question the motivations of the creator”, writes the cultural magazine. The Hollywood Reporter questions the will to transgress at all costs, judging the result more regressive than anything else. variety sees it as a sordid male fantasy while The Rolling Stoneat the origin of the investigation behind the scenes of the shooting, title: ” The Idol is more toxic and much worse than what you have heard”.

Aesthetic power and accuracy of descriptions

However, not everything is to be thrown away. The aesthetic power of the production, quite rare on the small screen, creates an almost hypnotic atmosphere that is reminiscent of Gaspar Noé. Certainly, the pornographic scenes -there are no other words- are too numerous. But they do not detract from the precision of the description of the right-of-way. Jocelyn is the archetypal victim. She knows only one type of relationship: violence. First that of her mother who beat her all her life with a hairbrush until illness weakened her, then that of an intransigent, contemptuous industry that turns its back on the first mistake. The sketchy portrait of a heartless music industry eager to make money off the back of a distressed pop star is aptly reminiscent of part of Britney Spears’ career.

In a few days, Tedros, a sort of BDSM guru, manages to make his way into the star’s residence and take control of his agenda, his clothing choices, his artistic decisions. He uses Jocelyn’s traumas to impose his authority. He pushes her to her limits to the point of confiscating all critical thinking. Mistreatment is always artistically justified. You have to find your voice, your inner truth. Public rapes, strangulation, situations of objectification are legion in the villa, now entirely under the influence of the self-proclaimed manager. The performance of Lily-Rose Depp and the Weeknd is impeccable. The duo works and the secondary characters shed light on Tedros’ control mechanisms and predation strategy.

Nevertheless, The Idol fails to convert the essay. The audiences are not up to par. The pilot and its three replays did not reach one million viewers. The series comes out – amputated – through the back door this Sunday. HBO has not yet decided whether or not to renew the series. Yeah.

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