The traffic light rumor check – who could become what in the Scholz cabinet? – Domestic policy

The coalition negotiations between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP on a traffic light alliance in the federal government are entering the final spurt. The general secretaries of the parties summarized the results of the talks so far on Monday evening.

The countdown is running – there is wild speculation about the ministers under the future Chancellor Olaf Scholz (63, SPD)!

All kinds of lists with sometimes surprising names are sent out in the government district, the senders of which are often kept in the dark.

► As with all these lists, there are names that have a higher probability factor and others that are dismissed as “completely absurd” in the respective parties.

Who could become what in the Scholz cabinet?

It is likely that FDP boss Christian Lindner (42) will get the finance ministry – his big dream house.

Greens co-boss Robert Habeck (52) was keen on that – and the Greens even had the first access right because they did better than the Liberals in the election.

Green co-leader Robert Habeck (52) and FDP leader Christian Lindner (42) would both like to take over the finance ministry in the new governmentPhoto: Michael Kappeler / dpa

But: Lindner had the intention then – as revenge so to speak – to reach for a climate ministry. The Greens in the Ministry of Finance, but not responsible for the climate? That would simply be impossible to convey to one’s own supporters. A fearful scenario for the Greens.

FDP general Volker Wissing (51) and parliamentary director Marco Buschmann (44) are also considered ministerial by the liberals. Should the education department go to the FDP, the accomplished education expert Bettina Stark-Watzinger (53) would probably have a chance. The head of the FDP-Hessen has a decent power in the party.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (63) is on all lists as FDP defense minister. At the FDP, this is surprising, because the resolute lady, who hardly misses a talk show invitation, is part of the FDP leadership as a member of the federal executive committee, but according to the laws of internal proportionality, she is not necessarily on the move.

Is on all lists as FDP defense minister: Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (63)

Is on all lists as FDP Defense Minister: Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (63)Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

▶ ︎ A possible foreign minister could be Annalena Baerbock (40), Green Co-leader. She is said to have only limited fondness to travel (a must for foreign ministers), but Baerbock would continue the tradition that her party began with Joschka Fischer (73) as foreign minister.

In this constellation, Habeck would be the powerful Minister for Climate and Environment. Disadvantage: He then has to constantly deliver success in the fight against global warming in order to keep the demanding Fridays for Future movement happy.

In the SPD meanwhile, an unexpected “comeback” of Christine Lambrecht (56) is assumed. Lambrecht had cut a good figure as Minister of Justice in the grand coalition, but no longer ran for the Bundestag this year. Your end to politics seemed sealed.

But after the SPD election victory, Lambrecht felt like going on. This time the interior department could jump out for them. Not an easy house because after the De Maizière and Seehofer years it was completely dominated by Union people.

Will she be the new interior minister?  It would be an unexpected

Will she be the new interior minister? It would be an unexpected comeback for Christine Lambrecht (56) Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

The question remains who will get the health department. With Karl Lauterbach (58), Scholz has an accomplished candidate who represents Corona on TV like no other, but he is not considered a Lauterbach fan. But now a wave of supporters for Lauterbach is forming online: The hashtag #WirwollenKarl is trending on Twitter!

Thousands of users are calling on Scholz not to ignore Lauterbach when forming a cabinet.

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