The town hall refused to Gérald Darmanin to be accompanied by journalists

Upset publicity stunt? The teams from the Marseille municipality and the Ministry of the Interior warmed up (very) slightly, sheltered from the command post, after the arrival of Gérald Darmanin rue de Tivoli, where a building collapsed last night . The minister arrived with several elected officials after 11 a.m., and joined Mayor Benoît Payan at the command post.

They then came out to go briefly to the scene of the disaster, before coming out of the perimeter to answer questions from journalists. According to our information, which confirms those of Provence, the advisers of Gérald Darmanin initially wanted this visit near the rubble to be followed and filmed by a pool of journalists, which the municipality preferred to refuse to avoid, no doubt, any attempt at political recovery. Neither the Ministry of the Interior nor the City of Marseille, anxious to avoid any controversy, wished to officially communicate on this pass of arms.

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