The top 7 best ground cover plants to put an end to the lawn!

Put an end to lawn mowing
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Drought-resistant perennial plants: an ecological solution

Drought-resistant perennials are an interesting alternative to traditional lawns that require a lot of water and maintenance. Some of these plants, called “carpet plants”, have the advantage of quickly forming a dense and uniform carpet of vegetation, ideal for replacing grass. Here are some examples of drought-tolerant perennials:

  • Hairless hernia (or turcette): native to Western Europe, this plant forms a solid ground cover that is resistant to trampling, even in difficult growing conditions.
  • Sedum (or stonecrop): this succulent plant exists in several varieties which all form an excellent ground cover and resist drought well.
  • Ajuga (or bugle): with its pretty blue or pink flowers and its decorative foliage, this plant forms a resistant and persistent plant carpet.

Ground cover plants for shade: a solution for shady gardens

If you have a primarily shaded garden, some ground cover plants may be especially suitable. These plants grow easily in conditions with little sunlight and do not require much care. Among these plants adapted to shade, we can cite:

  • Pachysandra : with its shiny green and evergreen foliage, it forms a dense plant carpet that spreads quickly.
  • vinca (or periwinkle): its pretty blue or white flowers brighten up the garden while forming a robust ground cover that resists trampling.
  • Eagle Fern : both ornamental and functional, this fern forms an evergreen ground cover that resists winter temperatures well.

Dichondra repens: an alternative to grass for small areas

Ground Cover PlantGround Cover Plant
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Dichondra repens is an evergreen perennial plant with pretty little round, green leaves. A regular and advantageous ground cover, capable of withstanding moderate trampling. It is particularly suitable for small gardens or narrow spaces where it is difficult to maintain a traditional lawn.

Some tips for choosing your ground cover plant

To choose the right ground cover plant for your garden, here are the criteria to take into account:

  • Sunshine and shade: Some plants thrive best in sunny or shady spaces, so be sure to check whether your chosen plant is suitable for your garden’s display.
  • Resistance to trampling: depending on the use you make of your garden (extended grass where you can walk or mainly decorative garden), check whether the selected ground cover plant tolerates trampling well.
  • The type of soil: some plants prefer draining soils, others tolerate moist soils. Be sure to choose a plant that adapts easily to the nature of the soil in your garden.
  • Installation time: some plants take longer than others to spread and form a dense, uniform ground cover. Take this into account if you want a quick result.
  • The interview: finally, also remember to assess the level of maintenance that each plant requires (pruning, watering, pest control, etc.) and make sure that it meets your expectations and your availability.

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