The top 15 of the most beautiful columnar trees and shrubs

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1. Florence Cypresses

Florence Cypress
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This large conifer is characterized by its columnar habit. It is particularly narrow since it is only 1 meter wide for a dozen meters high once mature.

You will be able plant it in full sun in well-drained soil. This easy-going tree, with rapid development and evergreen foliage, which will give it interest throughout the year, has the advantages of withstanding drought and being hardy.

2. Lawson’s False Cypress

Lawson's False Cypress
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Also called blue cedar, this columnar tree can reach 2 meters wide for 7 meters high. It bears beautiful soft blue-gray foliage that remains throughout the year. It grows rapidly and stands out for its elegance. Easy to growit thrives in a sunny location with drained, cool, deep and fertile soil.

3. Japanese Cherry ‘Amanogawa’

Japanese Cherry 'amanogawa'
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Also called prunus serrulata ‘Amanogawa’, this small tree can, when mature, reach a height of 6 meters for a width of only 1.50 meters. Rustic, since it withstands temperatures down to -23°C, this tree is easy to grow, especially if it is installed in a drained soil and in a sunny location. Its medium green deciduous foliage turns orange in autumn, before falling. In April, it is covered with a pale-colored bloom.

4. Ornamental apple tree

ornamental apple tree
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The Malus ‘Van Eseltine’, or ornamental apple tree, is a shrub with a fastigiate habit which is covered with a beautiful carmine pink bloom each spring. You will then benefit froma beautiful column of flowersalthough over time it tends to flare out at the top.

It is an undemanding treet that requires little maintenance and adapts to any type of soil as long as it is exposed to the sun or partial shade. Hardy, it withstands temperatures down to -20°C. Its foliage is deciduous.

5. Virginia tulip tree

Virginia Tulip Tree
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Also called Liriodendron tulipifera fastigiatum, this fastigiated tree with deciduous foliage is, in autumn, of the most beautiful effect with its beautiful golden foliage who, unfortunately, falls after offering this spectacle. Throughout its life, its branches remain parallel to its trunk, even if, with the years, it can widen.

Thus, at maturity, it can reach 12 meters high for 4 meters wide. It is really very rustic, since it supports temperatures down to -25°C. It is to be installed in a location in the sun or in partial shade.

6. Sweetgum Slender silhouette

Sweetgum Slender Silhouette
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This is the only variety of sweetgum that forms a dense column. This tree has magnificent webbed foliage which, in autumn, takes on a beautiful orange-yellow color before falling.

Installed in full sun and in cool soil, it can, when mature, reach a height of 6 meters and only 1 meter wide. Rustic, it withstands temperatures down to -20°C.

7. Fastigied Common Hornbeam

Fastigiated Common Hornbeam
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This charming variety naturally grows in a columnar shape. Thereafter, with age, it will take on a rather compact pyramidal shape, even without pruning. Rustic, it supports temperatures down to -25°C. It is easy to care for and tolerates pruning and any episodes of drought or flooding very well. Its green foliage turns bright yellow in autumn, then it ends up falling late.

8. Columnar flat maple

Columnar Maple
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Also known as Acer platanoides ‘Columnare’, this rather upright growing tree is characterized by a slender crown. Its lobed leaves are, while young, of a reddish tint which turns yellow in autumn.

In April, it is covered with abundant flowering. It is a tree that is certainly not very demanding, but it does not like soils that are too humid at all. In terms of hardiness, it withstands temperatures down to -20°C.

9. Fastigious Birch

African Birch
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Betula verrucosa fastigiata, or fastigiated birch, is a birch whose natural shape is columnar. It can therefore find its place in a small garden, for example, with these 2 meters wide for 8 meters high.

Its green foliage turns golden in autumn, before falling. Like all birches, much of its charm lies in its bark which is very decorative. It is a very hardy tree which is to be installed in the sun or in partial shade.

10. Rowan

mountain ash
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The fastigiated mountain ash and the ‘Wettra’ mountain ash are two varieties with columnar habit. These charming little trees are hardy and easy to grow.

The mountain ash ‘Wettra’ has a wider habit, since it can reach 5 meters wide and about ten meters high, while the fastigiated mountain ash is only 2 to 3 meters wide. Both are characterized by deciduous foliage and colorful berries, which follow flowering to the delight of birds.

11. Japanese Viburnum

Viburnum Plicatum Tomentosum
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The variety called viburnum plicatum tomentosum ‘Kilimanjaro’ ® is a compact shrub whose branches are staged. It can reach up to 3 meters wide for a height of 4 meters at maturity. It is a hardy shrub that withstands temperatures down to -20°C and needs to be planted in the sun or in partial shade. Its foliage falls in winter.

12. Pedunculate oak ‘Fastigiata Koster’

Pedunculate Oak 'fastigiata Koster'
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This very beautiful variety of oak is distinguished from the others by its compact and narrow port, that is to say, at maturity, it can reach about fifteen meters in height for only 6 meters wide. It is a fast growing and easy to cultivate tree which can be installed in the sun or in partial shade and which is very hardy, since it supports temperatures down to -30°. Its foliage is deciduous.

13. Fastigiate Beech

Fastigiate Beech
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You can choose between golden beech or purple beech. In both cases, this majestic tree with a very beautiful columnar habit can reach 25 meters high for about 3 meters wide.

As indicated by the name, the golden variety has golden ovoid leaves, while the purple beech is covered in beautiful deep purple foliage. These two varieties are resistant to temperatures down to -25° and lose their leaves in winter. These trees are to be installed in the sun or in partial shade, taking care to protect them from the violent winds against which they only have average resistance.

14. Cherry tree ‘Le Thoureil’

Cherry tree with clusters 'le Thoureil'
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Also known as prunus padus ‘Le Thoureil’, this small tree is adorned with a superb white flowering in clusters which you can appreciate the almond scent in April-May. Its brown bark dotted with red is also very decorative.

This very hardy tree benefits from rapid development and can, when mature, reach 8 meters high for 4 meters wide. Easy to grow, it thrives in any type of soil, in a sunny location or in partial shade.

15. Ginkgo biloba ‘Menhir’

Ginkgo Biloba 'menhir'
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Also called the ‘Menhir’ maidenhair tree, this variety is characterized by its narrow and upright habitas well as by its magnificent foliage, which gives it its name, when it takes its golden yellow color in autumn.

It is a tree that takes its time to grow, but can manage to reach fifteen meters in height, especially if it is installed in a sunny location with well-drained soil. It is able to withstand possible drought episodes.

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