the toll-free Heatwave info service number activated from 9 a.m.

In response to the episode of high heat experienced in part of France, the toll-free Heatwave info service number (0800 06 66 66) is activated from 9 a.m. on Friday August 18, the Minister of Health announced on Thursday, Aurélien Rousseau, and thea Minister of Solidarity, Aurore Bergé. This number, which can be reached free of charge from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., is regularly activated during periods of high heat. He “allows you to obtain advice to protect yourself and those around you, in particular the most fragile, and to adopt the right reflexes”explain the ministries of Health and Solidarity. Prevention messages will also be broadcast on TV and radio. Follow our live.

Nineteen departments on Friday heat wave orange vigilance. Seven departments were already placed on alert Thursday (Loire, Haute-Loire, Rhône, Ain, Isère, Haute-Savoie and Savoie). Twelve are as of Friday, announced Météo-France: Allier, Cantal, Puy-de-Dôme, Doubs, Jura, Saône-et-Loire, Corrèze, Gers, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn and Tarn-et -Garonne.

The “hottest” episode of the summer. “This weekend, the high temperatures are increasing, in particular in the southern half of the country. They promise to be long-lasting and intense with values ​​sometimes above 40°C in the south-east from Sunday”warns Météo-France. “On a French scale, this new episode promises to be the hottest of summer 2023, also as one of the latest with such a level of intensity”continues the organization.

The peak in temperatures expected at the beginning or middle of next week. The day should be particularly hot on Tuesday or Wednesday. “There are still a lot of uncertainties about the midweek”, explained Christelle Robert, forecaster at Météo-France. From Thursday, “a possible stormy disturbance” could “lower temperatures”.

Episodes of high heat can be dangerous to health, especially for the elderly, disabled or isolated, who are more vulnerable. In order to limit the risks, remember to drink water regularly, to avoid going out and physical exertion during the hottest hours of the day, and to close the shutters and curtains of windows exposed to the sun. If unusual symptoms occur (cramps, sudden fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc.), do not hesitate to contact 15. Finally, remember to check in on your most fragile loved ones during these high temperatures.

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