The teachers on strike, Biden fatalistic on Ukraine and Bolloré the apolitical

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Will the controversy surrounding Jean-Michel Blanquer’s stay in Ibiza have an effect on the protest in National Education? The Minister will have the answer this Thursday while the FSU, CGT Educ’action, FO and SUD Education unions, as well as the FCPE (first organization of parents of pupils) and the high school student movements FIDL, MNL and La Voix lycéenne, have called for a new day of action.

They demand “strong responses” in the face of the “chaos” caused by the health crisis, and massive investments in education. Already last Thursday, many of them went on strike against the waltz of health protocols in establishments.

Critics fuse in the United States on the international policy of Joe Biden. It must be said that the president seemed on Wednesday to accredit the idea of ​​a probable next Russian “incursion” in Ukraine, attracting the wrath of Republicans who accuse him of having given Vladimir Putin a “green light” to invade his neighbour.

“If it’s a minor incursion”, NATO members may be divided on the extent of the response, but if the Russians “do what they can with the forces they have massed on the border , it will be a disaster for Russia, ”said the tenant of the White House. For now, diplomacy is still working. The American Secretary of State discusses this Thursday in Berlin with Germany, France and the United Kingdom, before a meeting Friday with his Russian counterpart.

Vincent Bolloré has nothing to do in the political pages of the newspapers, his place is only in those dealing with the economy. In any case, this is the message he tried to convey during his hearing on Wednesday in the Senate before a commission of inquiry, which must report on the consequences of concentration in the media.

Faced in particular with questions about the place given on his CNews channel to Eric Zemmour, he thus affirmed that he “never does politics”, posing as a defender of “freedom of expression”. “No one knew he was going to be President of the Republic,” he added in an obvious slip, claiming to have had lunch “only once” with the polemicist to recruit him.

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