the survey of France 2 influencers is essential in the second part of the evening and makes Internet users react

First scheduled on Thursday, September 8, the investigative magazine Further investigation, broadcast on France 2, was rescheduled this Sunday, September 11 at 10:35 p.m. Dedicated to the business of influencers, this unpublished issue was the target of threats from lawyers of influencers appearing in the report, as revealed Puremedia.

In the lead in the second half of the evening

By choosing this broadcast schedule, the public service has protected itself from a legal and media counter-offensive, brought by certain stakeholders, but has also managed to afford a good audience, leading in the second part of the evening.

975,000 viewers gathered in front of La Deux. In second position on this time slot, we find the magazine Exclusive inquirybroadcast by M6.

A score down from the back-to-school number of the program which had reached 1.27 million viewers on September 1 with the theme “Inflation: the low blows of hypermarkets”.

Promoting dubious sites

But the program which revealed behind the scenes of the product placements of reality TV stars also reacted massively on social networks. More than 140,000 tweets on the subject were recorded the day after the broadcast, raising the mention #Complementdenquete to the top of Twitter trends in France.

At the heart of this issue of Further investigationthe dubious practices of influencers such as reality TV star Milla Jasmine or the couple of Tiktokeurs Nina and Alex, who take advantage of their audience on social networks to promote sites sometimes selling counterfeit and dropshipping products.

Magali Berdah confronted

Throughout the report, they were confronted with their product placements. Another part of the investigation was devoted to sexual assault They also revealed their salary.

An interview sequence broadcast after the report and conducted by journalist Tristan Waleckx particularly caused a reaction. We see the boss of the influencer agency Shauna Events, Magali Berdah, justifying her practices and those of some of her clients. In particular, she tries to defend herself from not wearing a connected watch which she promotes because of “tendinitis in her arm”.

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