The surprising list of the 20 most broadcast films on French television

First real surprise in the ranking, Move!, the film of the “Dance Machine” generation, sits at 17th place in the ranking, with 51 broadcasts. And since it is also the second most recent film (released in 1997) in the ranking, it could well climb higher in the near future. If you’re too young or too old to have grooved to the film’s title song, performed by Géraldine, learn Move! tells the rise of Alice (model Ambre Boukebza), encouraged by Ophélie Winter to pursue a career in music. Samy Naceri, Elisabeth Depardieu and Léa Drucker complete the cast of this film whose director, Jérôme Cornuau will ensure, twenty years after its release, that it “really only interested young girls between 12 and 14 years old”. TV seems to have decided otherwise.

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