The subject and answer key for Wednesday’s Life and Earth Sciences specialty test

“We are cold in winter and the beach is too far: are global warming and rising water levels desirable? » Rest assured, the questions asked today to candidates in Life and Earth Sciences are a little less incredible. We reveal the subjects and answers for the general and technological baccalaureate in this article.

The general baccalaureate

Two questions on the menu today. The first concerned the way in which pigments intervene in the metabolism and reproduction of flowering plants (color blind people will undoubtedly have lost points). The second required an explanation for the fact that acute stress accelerates intestinal transit in rodents (without saying anything about the acute stress linked to passing the baccalaureate). Details below:

The technological baccalaureate

To pass the test, you had to exclaim poetic phrases such as:

  • “The noise level meets the standard. »
  • “During the disintegration of Cobalt into Nickel, an electron is emitted. »
  • “The activity of a radioactive source is defined as the number of disintegrations per second. »

To decipher these answers, it’s below:

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