The story of the night Russia began its military invasion

This is the scenario that had been feared for several weeks. Very early this morning, Russia launched a massive and rapid attack on Ukraine, bombarding several major cities. Vladimir Putin has decided to launch “a military operation”, launching his tanks towards Kiev from several borders. 20 minutes remakes for you the film of the first hours of the Russian invasion.

From midnight to 4 a.m.: Advocacy at the UN and statement by Valdimir Putin

In a very restless night, many Ukrainians couldn’t sleep. As new cyberattacks targeted Ukrainian government sites, several airports were closed, as was the entire airspace of the country. With separatist leaders asking Moscow for military aid to ‘help repel aggression by the Ukrainian Armed Forces’, the UN Security Council, ironically chaired by Russia this month, convened urgently at 3:30 a.m. .

In a landmark statement, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, eyes fixed on the camera, asks Vladimir Putin to say “you troops not to attack Ukraine.” Give peace a chance. Too many people have already been killed. ” But he was already too late. Almost at the same time, shortly before 6 a.m. in Moscow, Vladimir Putin announced live on television that he had “decided on a special military operation”. In his statement, where he does not use the word war, Vladimir Putin explains that the objective is to “demilitarize” Ukraine, but also to “denazify” it, wanting to “bring down” the Ukrainian regime.

4 hours: Bombings and convictions

The declaration of Vladimir Poutine hardly finished, the first bombs fall on Ukraine. And not just in the east of the country. Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnipro… Still at the UN, Antonio Guterres speaks again, visibly moved. “This is the saddest moment of my mandate as Secretary General of the United Nations”, he regrets. “President Putin, in the name of humanity, bring your troops back to Russia! This conflict must end now,” he pleaded.

The United States and NATO condemn a “premeditated” and “unjustified war”. In Ukraine, the Minister of Foreign Affairs calls on the “world to stop Putin” and indicates that the country “will defend itself”.

5 a.m.: Russian troops cross the border

In accordance with the plan that the Westerners had anticipated, the first Russian soldiers set foot on Ukrainian territory shortly after the terror caused by the bombardments, even before the night and the fog had dissipated. A landing takes place in Odessa, in the south of the country, and Russian tanks cross the border near Kharkiv, in the northeast. Video elements also indicate that a tank column crossed the border between Belarus, where military operations had been taking place for several weeks, and Ukraine, just 150 kilometers from Kiev.

The Ukrainian capital is also hit by ballistic missiles. At present, these are targeted strikes, targeting border guards and military infrastructure, and not massive bombardments. An ammunition depot would thus have been destroyed in Kharkiv. The UN confirms the filing of a draft resolution aimed at condemning Russia, which will be voted on Friday. An eternity.

6 a.m.: Martial Law and Western Reactions

On Instagram, the Ukrainian president tells the population that he has just asked for the declaration of martial law. “Don’t panic, we will win,” he tries to reassure. Anti-bombing sirens are not silent in Kiev, where the population remains calm despite the uncertainty. Stay safe? This means taking the risk of exposing oneself to an aggravation of the conflict. Going to Poland, an eight-hour drive away? It is also taking a risk, that of crossing Russian tanks on the way.

The West is waking up, and Joe Biden immediately announces “severe sanctions” to come against Moscow. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, and Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister, in turn denounce the choice of “bloodshed”, a “brilliant violation” of international law for which the Kremlin must be held “responsible”. NATO announces an emergency meeting, while the Russian stock exchanges suspend their exchanges.

7 a.m.: Western Ukraine hit, Russian army advances

The bombardments intensify over the whole of Ukraine. Kiev airport was hit by a ballistic missile shortly before 7 a.m., while bombings were reported in Lviv, located only fifty kilometers from Poland, and in Lutsk. The Ukrainian army announces shortly after shooting down five Russian planes and a helicopter in the east of the country. President Zelensky calls on Westerners to build an “anti-Putin coalition” to “force Russia to peace”.

But that does not prevent Russia from advancing and occupying the first villages in the Lugansk region. The Russian army also announces that it has put the Russian air bases “out of service”. “The anti-aircraft defense installations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been destroyed”, adds the Russian Ministry of Defense.

8 a.m.: First deaths and economic consequences

The declarations rain, in particular with the candidates with the presidential election in France. Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for refusing an “unbearable escalation” and still believes in diplomacy to obtain an “immediate ceasefire”, in particular through an emergency deliberation at the UN. Eric Zemmour “unreservedly condemns the Russian military intervention”, words close to Emmanuel Macron’s reaction.

In Ukraine, after the bombings, the war takes on a human face. Border guards report attacks with “use of artillery, heavy equipment and light weapons”, but also sabotage, before declaring their first death. The authorities also announce that one person died, and another injured, following the bombardments in the Kiev region. After a short suspension of trading, the Moscow Stock Exchange collapsed nearly 14% on news of new sanctions to come, and the ruble fell 9% against the dollar. The Russian Central Bank has thus decided to intervene to “stabilize the situation”. In France, Emmanuel Macron has convened a defense council for 9 a.m.

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