The spirit of the saga has haunted Jason Reitman

When specters invade a small town in Oklahoma, who to call? The Ghostbusters, of course! Ghostbusters: the legacy, by Jason Reitman, responds cheerfully to this question because the ghost hunters are back! The filmmaker grew up on the sets of his father Ivan, director of the first Ghostbusters , and it shows.

“Even before anyone finds out Ghostbusters, I found myself sitting above the apartment of Sigourney Weaver’s character, watching a stuntman being bombarded with shaving cream while a Chamallow Bibendum exploded, ”recalls Jason Reitman in the press kit. His film is already a hit at
american box office.

Back to the roots

After the fun reboot of Paul Feig in 2016, starring women, Jason Reitman returns to the fundamentals. It brings together compelling new actors, but it also offers a wonderful return to the roots of the saga by making the reappearance of Bill Murray, Day Aykroyd and
Ernie Hudson, but, alas, not Harold Ramis (who died in 2014) to whom the film nevertheless pays a fine tribute. It is not impossible to wipe away a small tear in the process.

Mixing the old with the new is the main ingredient in this film packed with references to the saga. Something to satisfy fans always eager to find them, but also neophytes who have not been forgotten.

His father’s son

Two young and talented actors, specialists in the fantastic on screen, Mckenna grace (known in particular for The Haunting of Hill House) and
Finn wolfhard (seen in the series Strangers Things and in That), give a youthful air to the whole by taking place in the Ecto-1, the legendary car of Ghostbusters. They are amazing and we do not even talk about specters and other appearances as always cute and creepy. We have a weakness for Chamallow mini-fellows, so cute that we would love to bite them.

Is it because he fell into the pot of “slime” when he was little that the director of Tully and of Juno captured the spirit of the saga so well Ghostbusters ? Impossible to say precisely because he did not work alone! But one thing is certain: thanks to his talent: Ghostbusters: The Legacy really resembles the expected legacy, the one left to him by his father and which he shares with an enchanted spectator. We are delighted that a sequel is already planned!

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