The SPA calls for an Animal Rights Defender

Starving dogs, slaughtered deer, sick cat… In a clip, posted on social networks, the SPA asks the future President of the Republic to appoint an Animal Rights Defender upon his inauguration to condemn all forms of abuse.

With the approach of the elections, the SPA hammers its ambitions: to abolish bullfighting, to put an end to the animal object and the sale of all pets in pet stores and to ban hunting with hounds by affirming that “this independent authority will centralise, control and multiply actions to guarantee respect for animal welfare”.

“A role modeled on that of the Defender of Rights”

Through this video against a background of images that it filmed during rescue operations or investigations, the SPA “calls for the mobilization of citizens to bring out this idea, the concept of which we owe to President Robert Badinter,” she explains.

“The Defender of Animal Rights will have a role modeled on that of the Defender of Rights”, she said, judging that “his appointment will embody a real turning point in the perception of animals in society”. The action of this independent authority will extend to all species of animals and all situations in their relationship to humans.

“The Human-Animal relationship, a precious asset”

It will have to fulfill a triple role: give the State the leading role that it should have in terms of animal protection and to do so, draw up an inventory; propose any legislative and regulatory progress; have the power to mobilize the judicial and administrative authorities in any matter relating to his office.

“In this time of tension, the Human-Animal relationship is a precious asset that must be preserved and supported. Who better than an Animal Rights Defender to achieve this? argues Jacques-Charles Fombonne, president of the SPA.

81% of French people sensitive to animal protection

According to an Ifop survey for the “Engagement Animaux 2022” association, made up of around thirty animal protection NGOs, 81% of French people say they are sensitive to questions relating to animal health and protection.

This survey was carried out on March 15 with a sample of 1,005 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over.

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