THE solution to save space

Paris furniture storage
© Bluespace

A solution to free up space at home

Rent a furniture storage Paris offers different advantages, the first of which is to save space and find ventilated accommodation. The storage space provided to you can be used in several ways. Firstly, it can accommodate things that you no longer use but which you do not want to part with for one reason or another. This may be the case family memories or objects that don’t go with your interior decoration.

Then, in a storage unit you can store different things depending on the season. For example, you can store your ski equipment in the summer and your surfboard in the winter. You can also place your Christmas decorations or your bicycles in your storage. This prevents you from cluttering your home with equipment that you only need during a specific period of the year.

Often, self storage spaces are easily accessible by car or via public transport so if you need to retrieve something urgently this is not a problem. Your belongings are never far from home.

Secure storage space

Storage solutions allow you tostore your belongings safely. You can store important documents or valuable objects there without any risk. In fact, storage units are equipped with surveillance systems that operate 24/7. Only authorized people can access storage locations and entry is generally via a key or code.

Furthermore, these spaces are protected by detectors that are triggered in the event of flooding or fire. The storage units are solid and resistant to thermal shock and intrusions. Your belongings are kept at an optimal temperature to preserve them and they are also protected from dust and humidity. Therefore, you are guaranteed to find your belongings just as you left them.

Savings on all levels

Do you want to rent a storage unit but are afraid that it will impact your budget, especially if you live in Paris? Make no mistake, this storage solution can even save you money. Indeed, by opting for self storage you do not need to move to live in larger accommodation, you keep your current accommodation and the rent associated with it.

A real plus because accommodation in Paris is extremely expensive. Proof of this is that rent prices continue to rise. Without thinking about the fact that if you move to larger accommodation, you will have to pay for the move and will have additional costs (energy, insurance, charges, etc.).

In addition, with a storage unit, you are not obliged to respect a commitment period. You can choose to no longer use the storage space whenever you want without incurring additional cost. Same if you change your mind and need a smaller or larger space, it’s up to you.

Places adapted to your needs and desires

Storage spaces adapt to your needs. Whether you only have a few things or several pieces of furniture to store, you will easily find a storage unit to accommodate them. If you don’t know which space is best for you, you can make an estimate online or get help from an advisor.

You are sure to benefit from a space that perfectly meets your needs and only pay for the area that suits you. This is another way to save money. To further lower the price, some storage locations offer share the box with other people.

A response to a need in the event of a change of life

Following a change in life, for example moving in as a couple, a marriage or the birth of a child, the volume of belongings to be stored at home becomes much greater. Self storage is emerging as a solution of choice so that everyone can have enough space without needing to part with their belongings permanently.

Furniture storage is especially suitable for families with children because accommodation in the Paris region is small and it is important to free up space to live properly. Storage space can be considered as an additional room in which your belongings are stored.

A temporary or permanent need

Storage space allows you to meet a temporary or permanent need. You can use a box to store your belongings if you are going on a trip, if you have to carry out work at home, if you are planning to move and you have not yet found your future home or if you have to be absent for several weeks or months.

But you can also opt for storage considered definitive. You place your belongings that have sentimental or monetary value in a storage unit knowing that you can get them back at any time.

Another possibility: you plan to leave the Paris region to settle elsewhere but you do not want to take everything in your accommodation. The storage box allows you to keep your belongings in Paris so that they do not overload your new home. You can take advantage of your visits to the area to collect what is stored in your box if you need it.

By choosing to store your belongings in a storage facility in Paris, you declutter your home without separating from your belongings. You thus find a ventilated living space while being able to keep all your belongings. This modern solution is a real advantage, especially if you live in the Paris region, an area where housing is often expensive and small.

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