The Socialist Party refuses to submit to the agreement with LFI

Two days after the agreement signed between Olivier Faure and LFI, the Socialist Party of Hérault is on the verge of secession. “This agreement at the national level, in the Hérault we will sit on it. And sit on it comfortably. And what I say for the Hérault applies to many departments. Olivier Faure is legitimate to be secretary of the Socialist Party until the next congress, but no longer has any legitimacy to enforce this agreement which is worth nothing”. The socialist senator of Hérault Hussein Bourgi and former federal secretary of the PS of Hérault sums up the storm which is blowing more widely in Occitania. An agreement on which must decide this Thursday evening the national council of the PS.

“No local elected official was involved in the negotiations,” fulminates Carole Delga. The president of the region, triumphantly re-elected in 2021 with 57.78% of the vote in a triangular, quickly takes stock. The PS should be satisfied according to this agreement with six constituencies out of 49 in the region, “while in Occitania there are a third of the departments led by the socialist party and 30% of the socialist militants. The left is us, explains the regional president. Occitanie in common is the PS, the PC, the PRG and civil society. I am for the union of the left, but for the clarity of values ​​by having a fair representation. I was ready for an electoral agreement without ever thinking that we could achieve that. Nor without having previously discussed the programs. »

Three candidates already announced locally

Ignoring the agreements signed in Paris, the Hérault PS has already announced three candidacies. Others will follow. Even if it means going to clash if necessary. “If the national authorities accept the agreement with LFI, we assume to lose the PS label”, warns Julie Garcin-Saudo, candidate for the 7th constituency (that of Sète).

“We will be rebellious. We are not intended to be carpets on which we wipe our feet, ”warns Kléber Mesquida, the president of the department of Hérault, who does not intend to resign from the PS. He intends to oppose “those who went to the bowl (…) I am for a complete overhaul. When a building cracks, we keep the foundations, we shave it and we rebuild”.

Division at all levels

“In many respects, the agreement proposed by the leadership of the Socialist Party does not correspond to the values ​​that are mine and to my vision of our society, details Carole Delga, in an open letter addressed to activists and the press. Clever writing cannot mask our differences with Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s program, a program to which I do not adhere. »

The position is shared by many elected officials in Occitania, like the president of the Department of Tarn, Christophe Ramond, who denounces a deadly agreement: “What contempt, what ignorance of our strength on our territory”, exclaims. -he. But an agreement that will on the other hand defend Georges Méric, president of the Department of Haute-Garonne, who calls “to rally on the left. Gathering is always a struggle, but it is a necessity. »

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