The Social Security finance bill examined in the Assembly, disappointments on the issue of old age

It was a law hoped for since the start of the five-year term. Finally, nothing will be set in stone concerning old age and autonomy, which annoys a good half of the political class. “It’s a bit of a shame that we have not managed to move forward” on this text despite many discussions, recognizes a LREM deputy. “To the urgency of the needs, I prefer to respond quickly and concretely through a budget text rather than transferring the responsibility to the next government”, defends Brigitte Bourguignon, the Minister for Autonomy.

But precisely, many believe that with a dedicated ministry, we should not be at this level of urgency. At France Insoumise (LFI), there is even talk of “betrayal” and “lie”, while the Socialists are worried about the long-term financing of the fifth branch of Social Security, whose budget is examined this week in the assembly.

It is precisely on this branch, dedicated to autonomy and dependence, that many discussions will stumble. A “floor rate” of 22 euros per hour of service for home help services must be introduced on January 1, for home support. On the EPHAD side, 10,000 full-time equivalents must be filled in the next five years.

Salary increase for nursing staff

Insufficient to “respond to the collective challenge of the aging of the population” on the left. On the other hand, other measures are widely supported, such as full reimbursement of contraception for women up to 25 years of age, the systematization of complementary solidarity-based health for beneficiaries of the RSA and the minimum old age, or the automaticity of payment. alimony through the CAF.

The deputies of the left and LREM will also table numerous amendments, on direct access to speech therapists or the recognition of “link professions”, such as home helpers. At the heart of the budget, we also find the salary increase for nursing staff, initiated at the Ségur de la Santé, and the mental health plan, announced in September by Emmanuel Macron, with the support of consultations with the psychologist.

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