The smell of gas leads to a large-scale operation by the fire brigade and police in Germering. – Furstenfeldbruck

A resident called the police and fire brigade on Saturday because of a pungent odor in the stairwell of an apartment building on Planegger Strasse. According to the police report, the smell came from the basement or the underground car park. Since a life-threatening gas leak in the residential building could not be ruled out, the Unterpfaffenhofen fire brigade responded with a large contingent. The first team of the fire brigade found a significant concentration of carbon monoxide and ventilated the hallway and the underground car park. Since, according to the police, the gas concentration dropped very quickly, the adjacent apartments did not have to be evacuated. After extensive ventilation of the underground car park with a large fan, it could be entered again. It was not possible to determine where the gas came from. A local resident may have warmed up his car in the underground car park. Planegger Strasse had to be completely closed to traffic for around 90 minutes.

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