The Slovakian head of government’s condition probably remains critical

As of: May 16, 2024 3:36 p.m

After the shooting of Slovakian Prime Minister Fico, his condition is very serious, said Deputy Prime Minister Kalinak. Contrary to previous reports, Fico is not yet out of danger.

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico remains in critical condition after being injured in an assassination attempt. Deputy Prime Minister Defense Minister Robert Kalinak said after a special Security Council meeting in Bratislava that Fico’s condition remained serious.

“The doctors managed to stabilize the condition,” said Kalinak. But Fico is not yet out of danger. The injuries are very serious. Fico was hit by four bullets. “We’ve had a difficult night.”

There had previously been a slight all-clear

Earlier, Slovakia’s Environment Minister Tomas Taraba told the BBC that the prime minister was “not in a life-threatening condition at the moment.”

The head of the hospital where Fico is being treated previously said things were “really serious” for the 59-year-old. According to them, the prime minister underwent five hours of surgery. He suffered multiple gunshot wounds and is currently in the intensive care unit. His recovery could be difficult because of the consequences of his injuries.

Five shots

The attack occurred on Wednesday around 2:45 p.m. in the town of Handlova, around 150 kilometers northeast of the capital Bratislava. According to Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok, the perpetrator fired five shots at Fico. The suspect was arrested at the scene.

An investigation was opened against him for attempted murder. The 71-year-old suspect was a lone perpetrator who was angry about the outcome of the presidential election, said Estok. The act was “politically motivated”. Defense Minister Kalinak also said there was “no doubt that the attack had a political background.”

Shortly after the attack, a leaked video appeared in the Slovak media, which is said to show the police’s first interrogation of the suspect – an amateur writer and former employee of a private security service from the west of the country. According to media reports, he had a firearms license due to this activity. He is heard saying in the recording that he does not agree with the government’s policies, but the authenticity of this has not been confirmed.

Special meeting of the government and the Security Council

The Slovak government had called a special meeting for the morning. At the same time, the National Security Council should also discuss the situation. In addition to the head of government, it includes the ministers of the interior and defense as well as other ministers from all three coalition parties. Interior Minister Estok had already announced increased protective measures for politicians and journalists as a result of the attack on Wednesday.

Outgoing Slovak President Zuzana Caputova called the attack a blow to democracy. At the same time, she called on all actors to exercise prudence. She announced that she would invite the leaders of all major political parties in the country to a joint meeting. The aim is now to reduce party-political tensions and to calm down and bring the country and its people together again.

Her successor, President-elect Peter Pellegrini, called for a reaction from all parties: “I call on all political parties in Slovakia to temporarily suspend or significantly limit their European election campaign,” he said in Bratislava. The country cannot afford any further confrontations or mutual accusations at this time, he added. Pellegrini, who is an ally of the Russia-friendly Fico, was elected as the new president in a runoff election at the beginning of April.

First assassination attempt of a politician in the country’s history

The assassination attempt on Fico is the first on a politician in the history of Slovakia. The prime minister has been back in office since October, for the fourth time, with a more moderate left-wing government partner and a small right-wing national party. Since then, the liberal pro-European opposition has seen the rule of law and freedom of the press at risk. She regularly organizes anti-government protests.

On the day of the attack, she wanted to demonstrate against the planned abolition of public media. But now most parties have canceled all protests and events before the European elections in Slovakia until further notice.

European politicians react in horror

The attack caused international consternation. On Platform X, Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke of a “cowardly attack” that shocked him greatly. “Violence must have no place in European politics,” continued Scholz. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock also expressed her condolences to the Slovakian Prime Minister’s relatives and warned: “We see again and again how hate turns into violence and how it can affect anyone.” The Green politician called for the defense of “European democracy”.

US President Joe Biden also condemned the “terrible act of violence”. “Our thoughts are with his family and the Slovak people,” the White House said. Russian President Vladimir Putin said: “I know Robert Fico as a courageous and strong-willed man. I very much hope that these qualities will help him get through this difficult situation.”

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other top European politicians also reacted with shock to the attack. Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk wrote on X: “Robert, my thoughts are with you at this very difficult moment.”

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