“The situation is getting worse”, according to Olivier Véran

The health situation is “getting worse”, said Minister of Health Olivier Véran on Tuesday, with an average daily contamination which could soon exceed that of the peak of the third wave of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Unveiling the figures to be announced in the evening by the Public Health France agency, he reported about 47,000 contaminations over the past 24 hours. This “continues to mark an increase in the spread of the virus on the national territory, with an average number of contaminations per day which exceeds 30,000 and which could be, if we continue this dynamic, of more than 60% per week, higher. at the peak of the 3rd wave by the end of the week, ”he added.

1,700 patients in shifts

The Minister of Health repeated that vaccination makes it possible to limit the number of serious cases, hospitalizations, resuscitations and deaths: “this is what currently protects our country”, “it is also the usefulness of health pass. “” But the number of serious cases continues to rise: 1,700 patients are in our intensive care and critical care services, which is why the recall campaign must be stepped up, “he pleaded.

All the more so as a new risk looms: the Omicron variant, which we still do not know whether it will be more contagious than the Delta and whether it will partly resist vaccines. A first positive case for this variant, which is spreading through the world, has been identified in France on the island of Reunion. “Other cases could be identified in the coming hours, I will obviously keep the French informed,” promised Olivier Véran.

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