The situation eased with the onset of rain

Burned hundreds of hectares of forest

The first rains have eased the situation around Treuenbrietzen

dpa central image

Audio: rbb24 Inforadio | 06/20/2022 | Raymond Engel | Picture: dpa central image Download (mp3, 7MB)

At the weekend, forests around Treuenbrietzen were on fire in an area the size of 280 football pitches, and three towns were evacuated. Rain started early on Monday morning – this gives hope to the rescue workers.

The forest fire near Treuenbrietzen (Potsdam-Mittelmark) is currently under control. After the first showers, the situation was much more relaxed than on Sunday evening, explained Brandenburg’s forest fire protection officer Raimund Engel on Monday morning on rbb24 Inforadio.

The fire in the Treuenbrietzener district of Frohnsdorf with 180 hectares is limited. There, however, further extinguishing work and security checks would take place, according to Engel: “The previous rain showers have not yet extinguished it, it will still be a bit busy here.” He is counting on an announced thunderstorm front moving through Brandenburg and bringing even more relaxation to both areas.

Firefighters rely on rain

Forest already burned in 2018

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