The singer officially released, her fans rejoice

It is the end of a soap opera that will have lasted 13 years. Judge Brenda Penny lifted the double guardianship that prevented Britney Spears from making decisions about her finances and her personal life on Friday. The singer, who had “prayed so much” for this moment, will find complete autonomy, without having to submit to a prior psychological expertise. Outside the Los Angeles Superior Court, 200 fans of the #FreeBritney movement exploded for joy at the announcement of the decision before dancing on Till the world ends.

A guardianship was imposed in 2008 after psychological disorders manifested by Britney Spears. The singer had asked for the suspension of her father Jamie at the end of 2020, denouncing “abuse”. At the end of June, she had said in court that she was “traumatized” and “depressed”, assuring that she had been forced to take lithium, a mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar disorder. She had also claimed that an IUD had been implanted against her will, when she wanted to have a new child. “I just want my life back, it’s been thirteen years and that’s enough,” she begged. Britney Spears, who will celebrate her 40th birthday in early December, has finally been heard.

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