The series “Un, dos, tres” will have the right to a sequel in 2022

A little Christmas present in advance for fans of One, back very. The cult series of the 2000s will have the right to a sequel in 2022, announced the audiovisual group Atresmedia
on Twitter. “We are going to start dancing again very soon because … We have reopened the story of A paso adelante [le nom original de la série] ! », It is written.

Entitled UPA Next, this suite will feature new dancers while taking up the universe of One, back, very and “some of his most iconic characters,” it is also explained. If we do not yet know the new cast, actresses of the series have already expressed their enthusiasm.

Like Monica Cruz, aka “Silvia”. “I couldn’t wait to share this great news with all of you! It’s finally official and I couldn’t be happier !! ”the actress wrote on Instagram. ” It’s official, UPA come back ! », Rejoiced
Beatriz luengo, Lola in the series. No broadcast date has been specified for the moment, just like on which French platform the continuation of One, back, very will be proposed.

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