The separatists file a first appeal against the referendum

The Palika, one of the main independence movements in New Caledonia, announced Thursday that it had filed with other parties an appeal to the Council of State to contest the referendum of December 12 on self-determination in the French archipelago.

The spokesperson for the Kanak Liberation Party (Palika), Charles Washetine, announced that his movement and other pro-independence parties united in the National Union for Independence (UNI) had appealed against the result on Wednesday. of the third and last referendum provided for by the Nouméa accords of 1998.

The sincerity of the “altered” consultation

“The conditions of organization of the ballot altered the sincerity of the consultation”, assured Charles Washetine. Still other requests should be formulated “in the days to come”, again before the Council of State, then before international bodies, according to him.

Citing a period of mourning due to the Covid-19 epidemic which has killed 280 people since September, mostly Kanaks, and the impossibility, according to them, of campaigning, the separatists had requested the postponement of the poll.

Faced with the state’s refusal, they called for the non-participation of their activists and sympathizers. On December 12, it was therefore the no to independence that won with 96.50% of the vote but with participation in free fall (43.87% against 85.69% in the 2020 referendum).

“Our horizon is May 2024”

The Palika also announced that it did not feel bound by the schedule provided by the Minister of Overseas Territories Sébastien Lecornu, which provides for a transition period started on December 13 leading to a project referendum in June 2023 which would specify the future status of the territory.

“Our horizon is May 2024 and the end of the term of office of the Congress,” said Jean-Pierre Djaïwé (UNI-Palika).

The day after the election, the separatists had already announced that they would refuse to discuss any new status other than independence and that these discussions could not take place before the presidential election in April 2022.

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