the Senate says “yes”!

Still with the perspective of using the resources collected thanks to the Livret A and the Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet (LDDS) to finance the defense sector, the new bill tabled by MP Pascal Allizard (LR) was adopted by the Senate.

On Tuesday, the Senate once again considered a bill aimed at using part of the resources generated by the Livret A and the LDDS to finance SMEs in the defense sector. In just a few months, three legislative proposals of the same type have been studied. The first dates back to June 2023, during the debates on the 2024-2030 military programming law, a majority of the Senate requested the creation of a “sovereignty savings booklet”. Proposal rejected by the Constitutional Council.

The senators renewed their proposal during the budgetary debate which took place at the end of the year, there too, the Constitutional Council was unfavorable. The new bill brought by the deputy (LR) Pascal Allizard was thus adopted by a large majority by the Senate, with 224 votes against 34. In detail, these are the LR, centrist, RDPI, Les Indépendants and RDSE groups. who voted for this bill. For their part, the communist group and the environmentalists voted against. Finally, the PS chose to abstain. As soon as adopted, this new bill was strongly contested by the communist group.

The right decides to divert popular savings to finance the war industry. It is a further step in the verbal escalation which breaks with France’s traditional position, attached to diplomacy as a first resort. », deplored the CRCE-K group in a press release. “ Popular savings were used, before 2009, only for missions of general interest and particularly for financing social housing and urban policy.We remain mobilized to defeat this bill and all those that will attack popular savings », explained the communist senators.

After the Senate, the text will be presented to the deputies

The Senate nevertheless made some adjustments to this newly adopted law, the aim is to “ specify the system so that the new direction towards defense companies does not lead to a reduction in the shares of resources collected under the Livret A and the LDDS currently allocated to financing the energy transition and the social and solidarity economy », Explains the Senate. Now that this text has been adopted by the Senate, it will be transmitted to the deputies of the National Assembly.

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