The second phase of the unemployment insurance reform confirmed on December 1

It’s confirmed. As announced at the end of October by Elisabeth Borne, the second phase of the disputed reform of unemployment insurance will indeed come into force from December 1, Emmanuel Macron confirmed this Tuesday during his televised address.

“For a month, the rules have started to change to make the return to work more attractive in all cases and from December 1 a new stage will begin,” said the Head of State, defending a ” essential ”reform,“ so that work allows a life in dignity and always pays more than inactivity ”.

In detail, Emmanuel Macron confirmed that it will now be necessary “to have worked at least six months in the last two years to be able to be compensated while today the unemployment rights are open after four months of work”.

Suspension of the allowance in the event of a non-active job search

In addition, the president indicated that Pôle emploi will go “to review the hundreds of thousands of job offers available unanswered in the coming weeks” and that “job seekers who do not demonstrate an active search will see their suspended allowances ”, a provision already provided for in the event of a breach of legal obligations.

Currently, if the services of Pôle emploi notice a failure on the part of the job seeker, he can be removed temporarily or permanently from the lists and see the payment of his allowance suspended or canceled.

The sanctions range between a one-month delisting, if the job seeker is unable to justify his / her steps or twice refuses a reasonable offer for example, and a definitive delisting in the event of a false declaration, according to the site.

Before entering an administrative court, job seekers can initiate a graceful appeal with Pôle emploi but the decision taken during the examination of the appeal continues to apply.

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