The SEC prepares to set up a working group to amend the Digital Assets Act. keep up with the situation

With the rapidly changing digital asset situation To promote new financial innovations and to make investor protection mechanisms more efficient as well as in accordance with the direction of supervision in foreign countries

The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is preparing to appoint a working group to consider amending the Emergency Decree on Undertaking Digital Asset Business B.E.

There were representatives from various relevant agencies such as the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO), Bank of Thailand (BOT), etc. as working groups. and has a secretary-general of the Council of State Honored to be a consultant

In this regard, the said working group will have the power to study, review and propose guidelines for amending the Digital Assets Act. and consider various relevant laws as well as consider drafting new laws if necessary, in order to comply with and support policies as the Ministry of Finance has assigned the SEC to consider amending the Digital Assets Act. Support for rapid changes and protect investors

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