The salary of teachers at the start of their career at 2,000 euros net in 2023, announces Pap Ndiaye

We now have an amount, and an approximate date. In an interview with the Parisian this weekend, the new Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, says more about the increase in teacher pay promised by Emmanuel Macron. “It will be made up of two parts. The first will be unconditioned and will apply to all teachers”. Concretely, this means that the basic salary of a teacher at the start of his career will be above 2,000 euros net. And from when? “It will be in 2023,” says the new tenant on rue de Grenelle.

As for the second part of this increase in remuneration, “we will put in place a part of the salary conditional on new tasks. It is a question of better remunerating teachers, and adding a bonus for those who want to go further, ”continues the historian. The details of these tasks remain to be worked out: “These are discussions that we are going to have with the trade unions. There is also a budget envelope to set, ”he tells our colleagues.

Focus on the environment

Also in this interview, Pap Ndiaye, asked about his ambitions for the French school after five years under the aegis of Jean-Michel Blanquer, indicates that he sees taking the fight against educational inequalities as a “starting point”. It also evokes the environmental component, broken down into three aspects. On the one hand, the premises. “There is a big topic on school buildings, ill-equipped to withstand heat waves. It is not possible that we close almost schools when temperatures exceed 35 ° C ”.

Second subject, the courses. The Minister intends to refer to the High Council for Programs “so that the various disciplines integrate in a much more substantial way the themes related to global warming and the environment”. And finally, the question of “well-being” (of both pupils and educational teams). “School should also be a place of well-being and welcome,” wishes Pap Ndiaye.

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