The “sad record” of Citad’elles, a place of refuge more and more frequented by abused women

“The results are sad in view of the large number of women supported. But we can only be proud to have opened this place. It undoubtedly meets a need. About fifteen cities came to take information, ”says Mahaut Bertu (PS), deputy mayor of Nantes. Two years after its opening, Citad’elles has welcomed more than 2,300 women to its premises on Boulevard Vincent-Gâche, on the island of Nantes. Unique in France, this reception center
shelters and accompanies free of charge women victims of violence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without an appointment.

A team of professionals (social workers, nurse, psychologist, special educator for children) is present on site. Numerous associations and structures also hold offices there. “Every day, two to three women contact Citad’elles for the first time,” notes Valérie Allasaunière, site manager.

A “freedom of speech”

Most of the visits, the number of which has doubled in the past year, relate to domestic violence. But support linked to intra-family violence has increased significantly. “Camille Kouchner’s book and the Duhamel affair have made it possible to free speech and raise real awareness. The victims and relatives were able to realize that the violence could affect all environments ”, observes Cathy Milard, director of
SOS incest and sexual violence In Nantes.

In the premises of Citad’elles in Nantes. – S. Salom-Gomis / Sipa

The majority of the women received are mothers and aged between 25 and 45 years. But “more and more” young women (under 25) are showing up, up to one in five visitors now. Three quarters of the women come from the Nantes conurbation. More than half embark on a support process.

Temporary accommodation

The three emergency accommodations made available by Citad’elles are also more in demand: 76 women and 79 children have been relocated there for a year for four nights on average, “the time to find a solution in common law accommodations” . Safety is indeed “an issue” for the premises managed by the city of Nantes.

An operating budget of 2.2 million euros is devoted each year to the structure, also supported by the departmental council and the State. The opening of Citad’elles had cost 2 million euros to the town hall of Nantes.

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