the Russians advance in the Donbass, massive bombardment on Sloviansk
The situation on the map

The context

Live hosted by Pierre Bouvier and Fatoumata Sillah

Cover image: Firefighters are trying to control the fire spreading in the central market of Sloviansk following the Russian bombardment of the city of Donetsk oblast. July 5, 2022. MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

  • Journalists from Agence France-Presse saw rockets hit the central market of Sloviansk, where they caused a fire, adjacent streets were also affected. At least two people have died. “Once again, the Russians are intentionally targeting places where civilians congregate. This is terrorism pure and simple”denounced Governor Kyrylenko, calling for evacuation.
  • In his speech Monday evening, Volodymyr Zelensky explained needing “colossal funds” to help the population, rebuild cities and infrastructures destroyed by war, but also “preparing schools and universities for a new school year” and “getting ready for winter”. Its Prime Minister, Denys Chmygal, traveling to the Lugano conference, presented a plan “estimated at 750 billion dollars”.
  • The Lugano Conferenceplanned long before Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February, has been trying since Monday to draw the outlines of the rebuilding ukraine. The foundations of a “Marshall plan” for Ukraine, even though there is no end in sight to the war and the cost figures for the country are still uncertain.
  • The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced on Sunday evening its withdrawal from the city of Lysychanskat the heart of fierce battles over the past few weeks, acknowledging the “superiority” Russian troops on the ground. Russia announced, for its part, the « Liberation of the “Luhansk People’s Republic” “.
  • In Sloviansk, a city of about 100,000 inhabitants before the war, Russian strikes killed six people on Sunday, including a 9-year-old girl. The Ukrainian authorities are now calling on residents to leave the region, while the front line is only a few kilometers away.
  • In Siversk, about twenty kilometers west of Lyssytchansk, the Ukrainian forces seem to want to rely on a line of defense established between this city and Bakhmout, in order to protect Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. The inhabitants evoke more and more intense bombardments during these last days.
  • In his speech of Sunday evening, Volodymyr Zelensky tried to put on a good face, emphasizing the other front lines where kyiv claims “progress”in the Kharkiv or Kherson regions. “A day will come when we will say the same about Donbass”he assured.
  • The International Olympic Committee will triple its direct financial assistance to Ukrainian athletes so they can “raise high” their flag at the 2024 Paris Games, then at the 2026 Winter Games, IOC President Thomas Bach announced on Sunday. He also confirmed the exclusion of Russian and Belarusian athletes from all international sporting events.

Watch our live from yesterday here.

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